Who thought we would be locked down, forced to literally do everything from home! Well, believe it or not, the novel coronavirus has presented a unique situation and the more we stay home, the safer we are.  While, it is as destructive as it can be, swiping away people from the face of the earth like humans swat flies on a candy; the truth is that staying at home all day long doesn’t have to be negative at all. How you ask? Take a look at this meme pasted below.
Yeah, you get it! Be a modern hero and save the world.
Point being, the only way out of this pandemic is to limit social gatherings as much as possible. Apart from this, frequent hand-washing, avoiding crowded areas, wearing a mask and gloves when out in public has also been advised.
But why make staying at home boring? Chill out, pop some pop-corns, sip on your favorite soda, and checkout these awesome 11 phone apps. One of these is bound to get you hooked.

Even though we are supposed to strictly adhere to guidelines about social distancing, it does not in any way mean we cannot keep in touch. In fact, keeping in touch with friends and family can make this trying time easier for everybody. In comes Zoom!
This app is truly a blessing. Why? Because it allows video calls to multiple people simultaneously. Call your sisters, brothers, cousins, friends, or everyone at once! Amidst the laughter, the teasing, the shouting, and the gossip, you literally will not know how much time has gone by. Talking to those we love, seeing them, and interacting with them will almost make you feel as if they are right there with you. The lighthearted banter will surely lift up your spirits.
Moreover, it is also incredibly useful when official meetings are concerned. With Zoom, not only are official meetings easier, convenient, and cost-effective but the user-friendly interface is what I like the most Other than that, Zoom is ideal for online therapy sessions too. Ideally, you don’t even have to put a halt on your child’s education. Zoom with the teacher, add a few more class-fellows to the call and you are good to go!
Last Day on Earth: Survival

This app is bound to get you hooked. My husband plays this allllll the time! Last Day On Earth: Survival is a survival shooter game set in a post-zombie-apocalypse world after the year 2027 (When the virus outbreak actually happens). It is one of the best games out there to play during COVID19 lockdowns as it is extensively time-consuming.
Moreover, it manages to keep the end-user interested via Single Player and Multi-player interfaces which allow one to incorporate a wide array of both Melee weapons and Firearms to deal with the infected. Additionally, the player stays super engaged while building the base to keep himself safe from the zombies, raiders, and other users (who might visit your base and steal your valuable belongings).
It is a definite must-have app as it is not only extremely entertaining but it also polishes your survival skills, (as far as the thought process goes, at least!) You will find an almost unlimited amount of challenges to keep you busy and safe at home.
Tik Tok

As cliché as it sounds, TikTok deserved a mention! This is one app, I am pretty sure everyone has heard of. I mean, ‘Famous’ is TikTok’s middle name! Even the pandemic couldn’t change its fate.
Believe it or not, it saw a considerable surge in the number of users once lockdowns were enforced in various countries. Most celebs use this app too, maybe that’s why there is hype. I think I need to try it now. (If my hubby allows it- he kind of hates it). Why? Because it does have certain connotations of being vulgar, nonetheless, I truly believe that the way we use it is in our own hands.
For instance, celebrities like Gordon Ramsey are putting out videos that they have made with other family members. The videos are fun, entertaining, and lighthearted. So basically, fun for the entire family! The app gives an opportunity to make videos up to a maximum length of 15 seconds. In the video, the user can dance, sing, lip-sync, or attempt various challenges that are trending across the internet. All in all, it is an amazing app to kill time during the incredibly long lockdown days.

Well, a Houseparty is exactly what we all need at the moment. And, my friends, with the app, it’s what we are promised too! This app was launched back in 2016. However, back then, it didn’t gain much momentum. Then, along came the dreaded coronavirus and the accompanying lockdown. Suddenly, it is the app that has become a household name and for good reason too.
Houseparty is just what is needed to enter an alternate virtual reality, where instead of being cooped up at home alone, we are having a good time with loved ones via a video call. You might be wondering what’s so special about this particular app? Well, there are so many others that offer the facility of video calling, but what makes this social networking app fun is that along with the video, there are also fun games that can be played in-app while chatting.
Another ingenious feature is the presence of virtual rooms. Users can switch between them much like moving between rooms in an actual party! Cool, isn’t it?
Quiz Up

No harm at all in building up our knowledge banks a little while we are confined at home, is there? Quiz Up is a trivia game with over 600,000 questions hailing from over 1,200 topics. These topics revolve around basic mathematics to general knowledge, to history to geography. You name it, it’s there. Which means that there is something for everyone! It sounds like the perfect way to get our brain juices flowing. The game is available for both Android and iOS which means you can play with your friends, no matter what device they use.

Enough with the fun, games, and chatter. Lockdown or no lockdown, health is wealth and we all know that very well. However, lethargy and general laziness tends to creep up on us when we are trapped at home. It also means that physical exercise is severely inhibited. However, we need to remember that now more than ever, we need to boost our immune system through any means possible. This is where Aaptiv jumps in.
With Aaptiv, you will practically have a personal trainer in your phone. There are different exercise options available such as cardio, strength training or stretching as well as different accompanying audios. Definitely a winner for me.

Whoever thought of taking the cult favorite board game Ludo to the digital medium was a true genius I tell you. Social distancing and isolation becomes a blur as one gets engrossed in the game. As with the board game, up to 4 players can participate in the game. Definitely an excellent way to while away the time.
In-game chat options, and the choice to play with friends almost makes it seem as if the game is being played over an actual board. The nostalgia though is something I must warn you about – it does make you think of the time when we took meeting our loved ones for granted. Sigh.

See, now food is life! Literally. Since all the fancy restaurants have been closed and take away/delivery aren’t very safe options given the current situation, cooking is the way to go. The best part about SuperCook, and also one of the main reasons it is highly recommended nowadays, is that recipes can be sought in accordance with the ingredients available.
Truly, a God sent! While it provides us with some welcome relief during lockdown, at the same time, it is also a wonderful app for when this situation is over.
Stop, Breathe and Think

Like I said earlier as well, the current times are hard. Of course, mental stress and anxiety is part and parcel of this terrifying virus. However, we need to take measures to ensure some degree of control and meditation is an excellent way to do just that.
Through mindful breathing and a focus on mental well-being, the app will help to reduce stress levels as well as help you sleep better! Furthermore, this is one activity which is relevant for everyone. So why wait? Simply download this amazing app, take chill pill, relax and relieve all the stress.
For our Little Friends!
Teach your Monster to Read

We have to remember, it’s not just the grown-ups who are struggling. The lockdown has also confined our little ones. Rather than just being frustrated, they are also bewildered as they cannot yet comprehend the situation. What can work wonders is keeping them occupied. Probably, this is also the only way to keep them out of mischief which just seems to follow them everywhere!
Plopping them down in front of the TV is one way for sure. And hey, no judging – we are all doing the best we can. However, apps such as this one can be a constructive way to utilize screen time. It incorporates phonics and reading into a game, helping toddlers and preschoolers learn without even knowing it! Try it.
YouTube Kids

I reiterate – this is a judgment-free zone! With our house help away, parents are overwhelmed with all the work piling up. Further, those who are working from home have to juggle work meetings, tasks, chores, and kids as well. It isn’t humanly possible to be constantly designing activities for kids to keep busy. Therefore, a little time spent watching mind-numbing cartoons aren’t a bad idea. YouTube Kids is a wonderful app for when you need to plunk your kids in front of the TV.
It keeps them engaged with countless videos. Allowing you the quick break you need, or peace for that office meeting. Also, there is a lot of kid-friendly content according to the kids age, and if you pick some videos out beforehand, kids will be engaged watching something they will learn from. My little one learnt drawing and coloring hacks!
Of course, this is a time in which everyone is under immense pressure. The threat of catching the virus, coupled with the stress of being indoors for large amounts of time, working from home, all of these along with other factors are without a doubt weighting quite heavily on everyone’s minds. Therefore, it is essential that we all keep busy as best as we can. And, no one said lockdown has to be boring. Download your favorite app and let us know below in the comments.