Monday, March 31, 2025

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    5 International Movies to Watch in Cinemas in Pakistan In 2023

    2022 marked as the first year after the horrible pandemic. Public spaces were finally open for public. Like all markets, parks and other public places, cinemas started to show signs of life. Waiting for this very moment were many film studios who were holding on to big projects. They wanted to showcase their products properly in cinemas and even faced losses due to this very reason.

    However, this came up as an opportunity for avid film watching audience. They were in for a year filled with treats. We saw visual spectacles like Top Gun: Maverick, Avatar: The Way of Water and Babylon. Epic tales like The Northman, Nope and Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio made their way to the big screen and simply left their audiences in awe. Even superhero genre took a new turn with Matt Reeves’s take on The Batman.

    When you’ve seen films like the ones mentioned above and more in cinemas within a year, you can only expect the filmmakers to take it up a notch during the current year.

    Here is a list of 5 international movies that you must watch in cinemas in 2023.


    65 follows an astronaut’s (Adam Driver) journey for survival on an unknown planet where he crash lands. Seems like a simple movie, no? Wrong! Driver’s character discovers that he has crash landed nowhere else but Earth; only 65 million years ago.

    Directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (A Quiet Place), 65 is a movie dinosaur-enthusiasts have been longing for; for a very long time. The trailer for the movie has all the elements of a jump scare thriller with a huge prehistoric pinch of dinosaurs. It just simply looks refreshing to see these huge creatures (with spectacular CGI) in a film independent of franchises like Jurassic Park, Jurassic World or The Monsterverse. In no way, do we expect these dinos to be the perfect anatomic representations of the real-life creatures.

    However, expectations from the film are still very high with Adam Driver as the lead surviving on a planet ruled by the dinosaurs. The film will hopefully release in the 3rd week of March 2023 in Pakistan.

    Mission: Impossible- Dead Reckoning Part One

    We bet; even Tom Cruise could not have probably imagined that Mission: Impossible would spring out to be such a huge film franchise. It started off as a one-off film based on and in continuity of a television series of the same name. Here we are, 26 years and 6 films later looking forward to another one of Ethan Hunt’s (Tom Cruise) epic global disaster saving adventures. The film stars Tom Cruise (of course) with the usual suspects Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames and Rebecca Ferguson.

    The trailer starts off with the iconic Mission: Impossible theme leading into a voice-over convincing Ethan Hunt to choose a side between good and bad for all times to come. The voice-over is coupled with visuals of some insane action sequences and fantastic stunt choreography including “the biggest stunt in cinema history” to look forward to. The film is currently scheduled to be released during July 2023 worldwide.

    John Wick: Chapter 4

    2014’s John Wick saw Keanu Reeves climb back into the mainstream. It was a non-stop action movie focusing on an elite assassin looking for peace and retirement after he loses his wife to a fatal illness. We wouldn’t get a movie if he wasn’t forced out of retirement now, would we?

    March 2023 will see the fourth installment of the John Wick film series being released for global audiences. The plot seems fairly simple and not to our surprise, a bit repetitive. However, we don’t think that audiences are looking for complex plots and mind bending slow burns when they think of John Wick. John Wick films have always delivered on what their trailers have promised. A neo-noir backdrop coupled with magnificent stunts and uncontrollable action sequences.

    The film stars Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane and Bill Skarsgard amongst others. We highly recommend you to watch this film in the cinemas if you have the stomach for such a loud action packed film.

    Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania

    Just like Robert Downey Jr’s casting elevated the Iron-man to a whole new level. The feel good screenplay and relatable back story of Scott Lang (Paul Rudd)in the first Ant-man film gained a lot of audience attention and praise as well.

    Ant-man’s third standalone film has to be the most important superhero film this year. Moreover, not only is it jump starting the next phase of The Marvel Cinematic Universe; it is also going to be a visual spectacle. This film will take the audiences to a trip of the quantum realm with the Ant-man and Wasp along with a few other characters. Naturally, the film will be packed with impressive visual effects. However, that is not the only thing to look forward to as the film will introduce “Kang The Conqueror” played by Jonathan Majors.

    The trailer shows exactly what you’d expect from such a film’s trailer. It makes the viewer feel an unnerving sense of helplessness, confusion and a huge and imminent threat. The film releases on 17th February (My Birthday) and I couldn’t have asked for a better gift from the MCU than this!

    The Little Mermaid

    This late May 2023 release is probably the most anticipated kid-friendly film of the year. It is a live-action remake of the original tale from 1837 while borrowing visual cues from the 1989 animated version. The film has sparked a wave of excitement unlike any other on our list. That is mainly due to the ability of this story to have passed down from generation to generation for almost over two centuries.

    Relatable nostalgic content aided with breathtaking visuals (as the trailer suggests) is a recipe for a box office triumph. It will be very interesting to see a live-action adaptation of a tale set under the sea. The trailer promises it to be a 5 star film for the family. The production quality looks and sounds top-notch.

    The film will star Halle Bailey as Ariel. Moreover Jonah Hauer-King as Prince Eric, Javier Bardem as King Triton and Melissa McCarthy as Ursula. We highly recommend you to watch this fairy tale come to life in the cinemas. Especially with your little ones or just as a guilty pleasure for the sake of nostalgia.

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