Eid-ul-Adha is just around the corner and I can’t wait for the festivities to commence. Although Eid-ul-Adha is a little subdued than the Eid-ul-Fitr, nonetheless there is no denying that excitement is in the air!

Besides going on excursion trips to ‘Bakra-mandi’ with cousins, to shopping for brand new Eid clothes; this Eid is all about celebrating the spirit of sharing and sacrificing!
Let’s take a look at how Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated in a typical Pakistani household.
The Night Before
The night before Eid is all about getting prepped up for the big day. Therefore, ‘Eid Safayee Muhim’ is in full swing! From cleaning every nook and cranny in the house to adorning the house with flowers and fairy lights, everyone is super busy.
Above all, this puts everyone in the mood for a big celebration!
Perfect Mehndi Designs!

In addition to the celebratory cleaning going on in the house, a trip to the local market area for bangles and mehndi is compulsory. A number of henna application and bangle stalls are put up a few days before Eid, but we all know that actual party begins on Chaand-raat!
The Morning of!
Obviously, Eid-ul-Adha begins early with the ringing of alarm clocks and dressing up for Eid Namaz.
In most of the households now, ladies also go to a nearby masjid for Eid congregation prayers. How cool is that?

Consequently, this is one of the best ways to start off Eid as a family. Especially decked in new clothes for Eid Namaz, post-Namaz, there is a mandatory family photo session to mark the day!
The Hunger Games Begin
Later on, the family generally sits together to have scrumptious poori, halwa/ and anda paratha nashta.

How can we forget a bowl of sheer khorma or siwayeen that Ammi made?

Waiting for the Qasai to Make His Entrance!
Afterwards when the nashta is done and over with, it is time to wait for the ‘Qasaai’ to jump in and hit the Qurbani button!
In contrast to Eid-ul-fitr, Eid-ul-Adha is all about sacrifice and sharing what you have sacrificed. Honestly, the first memory I have of Eid-ul-Adha is having a qurbani in our home with my cousins or friends surrounding the Qasai doing his deed!
Although most of the people opt for qurbani to be done at specified grounds in their area, nonetheless, some people do it the traditional way: in their own home!

Watching the Qasaai sharpen his knife and do the actual deed is exciting and terrifying at the same time!
Meat Distribution
Eventually when the qurbani is complete, the tedious process of cutting, cleaning and distributing of the meat begins. However, there is always one Bar-b-q enthusiast in the house who stays back and makes sure that the meat is properly marinated for a Bar-b-q later in the day!
A Little Siesta Doesn’t Hurt
Apparently, the day generally gets a bit tiring with the qurbani and meat distribution. A late afternoon siesta is a good idea to charge yourself up before the traditional Bar-b-q family get-together.

Bari Eid is Incomplete Without a Bar-B-Q party with Family
Surprisingly, this Eid is also big on getting over-stuffed with meat!
Families get together for dinners and even lunches. Clearly, Bar-b-q is the theme of the day in literally every household. If not, cooked meat in the form of Nihari, Qorma or Karahi is a must.
Home Grilled meat with hot naan and raita is all you need to get the party going!!!

Eidi and Gifts
Certainly, this Eid is all about sharing, sacrificing and remembering the sacrifice that Hazrat Ibrahim made all those years ago.
Consequently, the day ends with Eidi and gifts for the younger lot. Things have changed a little bit over time though. In addition to giving out traditional Eidi to the little ones in the family (envelopes with cash), brightly-wrapped gifts are also given!

So here’s wishing you all Eid Mubarak in advance from our whole team at Curryflow! Hope you have a meaty Eid 😀