Stunning pictures, videos, and totally cool boomerangs have stormed the social media in the last two days and you guys already know why!
Yeap. The actor/activist ‘Hamza Ali Abbasi’ got married to the Anaa star ‘Naimal Khawar’ on 25th August 2019 and had their valima the next day.
Without further ado, here are the main highlights from their sweet journey as friends to soul mates.
A Totally Unique Couple
Interestingly, the newest couple on the block is rather unconventional when it comes to describing their love story, their wedding preparations as well as the wedding events. You ask why?
Clearly, ‘austerity and simplicity’ is the couple’s backbone, unlike 90% of the other Pakistani media industry celebs!
I mean, check out the wedding invitation!

From friends to soul mates: The Lamba Paragraph you should read too!
Additionally, after being trolled by fans as well as critics, Hamza Ali Abbasi took the liberty to post another ‘lamba paragraph’ under the caption ‘Mera Accnt, Meri Marzi’!!!
Moving forward, here is a glimpse of their big day celebrations. Again, we are totally in love with their idea of a simple, Islamic Shaadi. Definitely a sight for sore eyes!
Naimal’s Mayoun

Surprisingly, Naimal Khawar chose to have a straightforward yet elegant Mayon at her house. The event was attended by family members and close friends only. Unfortunately, we are short on pictures to share with you guys!
Nonetheless, follow this link to get a glimpse of the highlights.
Hamza ki Dholki
In the meantime, Hamza Ali Abbasi had an intimate dholki of his own. It was rather a get together with friends, but meh! We will call it a dholki anyway.

Hamza’s best buddy Gohar Rasheed was obviously next to him
followed by Yasir Jaswal, Uzair Jaswal, Ammara Hikmat and Bilal Lashari. They
all ended up taking cool snaps and having Jessies burgers!
Nikkah and Rukhsati
Indeed, it is true when they say ‘minimalism is an appreciation of space’ because plain-vanilla décor totally gained the spotlight at the duo’s Nikkah.

Under the perfect summer sun, on top of Islamabad’s awe-inspiring Margalla hills; our favorite August couple shared their vows at The Monal Restaurant.
To summarize, the Nikkah ceremony was attended by immediate
family members and close friends only.
The Beautiful White décor
Both the mothers join the couple for an adorable memory to be cherished for a lifetime.

Smiles as big as the moon! Indeed, like mother like daughter.

Dr.Fazeela Abbasi (groom’s sister) smiles for the camera with her son.

Naimal’s sisters gear up to take memorable pictures.
Atif Aslam was invited.
So was Usman Mukhtar.
And here’s the happy couple sealing their fate!
There was a ring exchanging ceremony too. Check out the close-up shot by B-Roll Studio.

Don’t they make an absolutely stunning couple MashaAllah?

Moreover, Naimal looks just like a fairy!
Naimal Khawar chose Maheen Shah Studio for her gorgeous attire. The gold kamdaani kameez with a 3 gaz long dupatta with laces and lappa complimented her daytime gleaming makeup look.

The Valima took place today, on the 26th of August at the Serena Hotel. While Hamza Ali Abbasi chose to dress simply, Naimal was seen wearing a dress right out of a fairytale.
Surprisingly, the groom wore a black shalwar kameez with a self-colored waistcoat. On the other hand, the bride was draped in a #SFK (Sadaf Fawad Khan) white silky lehenga paired with a shimmering long shirt with loads of studs and embellishments on top.
Doesn’t she look like an angel?
Moreover, what’s better than ending the night with a crazy picture with close friends?
Nonetheless, take a glance at the complete Valima highlights below.
That’s all folks! Here’s wishing the new couple a happy married life from our whole team at Curryflow.